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ReVanced for Android

YouTube ReVanced

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ReVanced for Android

Looking for the YouTube ReVanced APK for Android? You are in luck! Scroll down below to download YouTube ReVanced latest version for free. It Blocks All Ads, has awesome features like Background Playback, SponsorBlock and more! You might as well read more about its cool features below.

This article will cover everything one should need to know about YouTube ReVanced. Right from the features to installing and setting up YouTube ReVanced, I have got you covered. This is the most comprehensive piece of content on the internet for YouTube ReVanced for Android . So let’s get started.

Before moving on, I strongly suggest you to go through the YouTube ReVanced Installation Guide. Also check out out the FAQs section to learn more about YouTube ReVanced.

YouTube ReVanced Features

How to Install & Set Up YouTube ReVanced

Download YouTube ReVanced APK

For YouTube ReVanced to run properly on your device, you will need to download the latest version of YouTube ReVanced. Apart from that you are going to need Vanced MicroG.

Vanced MicroG is nothing but an app that lets you use Google Play Services on YouTube ReVanced. Without Vanced MicroG, you cannot log in to your Google account on the app. So it’s important to install it to access your YouTube account data like subscribed channels, playlists, history, etc.

Learn about Vanced MicroG for more information.

Minimum Requirements for YouTube ReVanced

Minimum Requirements for YouTube ReVanced
  • Your device should be running Android version 8 (Oreo).
  • Your device must use the arm64-v8a architecture.

If you are using an Android device released in the past couple of years, you don’t need to worry. Because, YouTube ReVanced is compatible with most Android devices.

  • Step 1 – Download YouTube ReVanced APK & Vanced MicroG
  • Step 2 – Install Both Apps
  • Step 3 – Sign in to Your Google Account
  • Step 4 – Enjoy YouTube with Awesome Features

To make the installation process easy for you, I have provided step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1 – Download YouTube ReVanced APK & Vanced MicroG

Download the latest version of YouTube ReVanced and Vanced MicroG by clicking the download button below. This app is not available on Google Play Store because it is modified to have extra features.

Download YouTube ReVanced
App NameYouTube ReVanced APK
Size141 MB
Last UpdatedToday
Download Vanced MicroG

I must give credit where it’s due. And the credit goes to TeamVanced (GitHub Page).

Without TeamVanced‘s awesome work, it would be otherwise impossible for us to connect our YouTube (Google) account to the app. Without TeamVanced’s contribution, this feature wouldn’t even be here. All thanks to the entire team, we all can enjoy using YouTube ReVanced with everything linked up to Google account smoothly. It’s clear that they are wizards and a key part of making YouTube enjoyable and fun again.

Vanced MicroG enables us to use YouTube ReVanced with Google account integration.

  • Personalized recommendation
  • Search history
  • Like or comment on the video
  • Subscribed Channels
  • Adding videos to playlists
  • Your playlists
  • Your video history
  • Uploading videos

More Advanced Features

Want to explore even more advanced features? Check out ReVanced Extended by inotia00.

Want to use YouTube Music Ads free and background playback? Check out YouTube ReVanced Music [Extended].

Step 2 – Install Both Apps

Once you have downloaded the file. Go to your File Manager and open the folder where you have downloaded the APK files. Install both YouTube ReVanced and MicroG APK.

If you are asked to give permission to allow installation from unknown sources, simply allow it.

You can turn on the option to install apps from unknown sources by going to your phone’s Settings > Security, and toggling it on. Turning this option on will let you install apps outside from Google Play Store.

Install YouTube ReVanced

Here are the screenshots of installing YouTube ReVanced.

Installing YT ReVanced 1
Installing YouTube ReVanced
Installing YT ReVanced 1
Installing YouTube ReVanced

Install Vanced MicroG

Here are the screenshots of installing Vanced MicroG.

Installing Vanced MicroG APK
Installing Vanced MicroG

Step 3 – Sign in to Your Google Account

After installing both apps, Open YouTube ReVanced, and tap on the profile icon at the top-right corner. Then tap on the Sign In button.

Sign in to Google Account Step-1

After that, select Add Account option. A page will show up saying “An app on your device is trying to sign in to a Google account. Tap on Sign In.

Sign in to Google Account Step-2

Then enter your email ID or phone number and password to sign in to your Google Account.

Sign in to Google Account Step-3

Once you sign in, the app will take you back to the homepage. Select the account if you have multiple accounts.

Sign in to Google Account Step-4

Voila! You have successfully set up YouTube ReVanced.

You can sign in to Google account with YouTube ReVanced Extended and YouTube ReVanced Music as well. The setup process will be the same.

Step 4 – Enjoy YouTube with Awesome Features

Now Everything is set up, you are ready! Enjoy!


YouTube ReVanced won’t work if you don’t install Vanced MicroG. Vanced MicroG helps you connect your Google account to YouTube.
So make sure you install it.

How to Update YouTube ReVanced APK?

How to Update YouTube ReVanced APK

YouTube ReVanced doesn’t require frequent updates. You can install the app and keep using it until it’s not working anymore. 

For example, I had installed YouTube ReVanced 10 months ago and it’s still working fine. YMMV. Your mileage may vary.

You don’t need to update the app frequently. You will probably need to update it once or twice a year.

If there is some problem with your app or it’s not working anymore, you can update the app anytime. Simply visit this site, and click on the download button.

Click here to go to download button of YouTube ReVanced APK. On that page, you will find the latest version of the app.

YouTube ReVanced Download Page

Problem With Vanilla YouTube

YouTube. Well, who doesn’t use it? I have been actively using YouTube since it was acquired by Google in 2006. In fact, I created my first Google account for watching YouTube videos only. It had tons of videos to watch back then and it didn’t stop there.

Today, the platform has over 800 million videos. According to a report, as of June 2022, people uploaded a staggering amount of videos to YouTube every minute. Can you believe it? It was more than 500 hours of new videos every single minute! That’s like having 30,000 hours of brand-new content uploaded every hour. Incredible, right? There’s another report that says, YouTube users watch over 1 billion hours (about 110,000 years) of video content every day. That’s mind-blowing!

Annoying Ads

Annoying Ads

However, With such huge growth, YouTube didn’t miss the opportunity to introduce ads on the platform. And as time passed by, the ads soon started to take over YouTube.

A few years back, we used to get one 5-second short ad once per every dozen of videos. However, it soon began to change. Ads slowly took over YouTube and now the situation has even gotten worse. Sometimes we encounter 2 ads before the video that are 30 seconds long and the worst part is you can’t skip it as you used to before. I still remember those good old days!

Apart from that, there are other things like being able to play videos in the background (While you are outside the YouTube app) which you can’t do in the official app. You also can’t use Picture-in-picture mode which lets you watch videos in a short window while using other apps.

Solution – I Created YouTube ReVanced

The main reason to create YouTube ReVanced is because of the annoying ads that appear before the video. It was all fine when limited ads used to show up. We could also skip most ads in the past after 5 seconds duration, however, there are very few ads today that you can skip. You have to watch a full ad before you can start playing the video which is very frustrating. It only gets worse when there are multiple ads that can’t be skipped before the video has even started playing.

Given all the problems everyone was facing including me, it was time to take a deep dive and fix them one by one. So I took the oath and started working on modifying YouTube myself. It was not a simple task, however, I managed to come up with an app we all know as YouTube ReVanced.

I designed the app keeping the average YouTube user in mind (Including me). Additionally, I have added lots of cool features to it as well which were not present on the official YouTube and Vanced YouTube app.

Believe me, there is nothing like it. I bet you will love it! It’s the smoothest and clutter-free YouTube-watching experience ever. So I bet you are gonna love it. 🙂

All YouTube ReVanced Features Explained

In the this section, I am going to discuss all the cool features of YouTube ReVanced APK for Android. I am also going to tell you how to use those features according to your use case and the ideal settings to use. So let’s get started.

YouTube ReVanced is an advanced app that was modified on top of YouTube so by nature it’s loaded with features. And I am going to cover as many features as I can. So this article is going to be one-stop-shop for everything YouTube ReVanced. Please bear with me throughout the article, there are lots of features to explain and it’s going to be fun.

1. Block All Ads

Ever been in a situation where you are playing a video and you get 2 ads right in your face even before the video starts playing? It’s a frustrating experience when you can’t even skip them. You are forced to both ads for a duration of as long as 30 seconds.

YouTube is flooded with hundreds and thousands of engaging videos you can watch for countless hours. However, it takes away all the interest when ads show up before the video has even started. A few ads here and there are fine, but it ruins the whole user experience when we get multiple ads that are not skippable. It really sucks.

A few years back, YouTube was not intensive as it is tomorrow when it comes to showing ads. However, time has changed, and almost everyone who is in the digital space has jumped onto the bandwagon to grow their business online. Result—We see increasing numbers of ads on the platform.

Removing all ads from YouTube was one of my main motives behind creating this app. So how do you remove/block all ads on YouTube?

1.1 How to Block All Ads on YouTube?

You don’t really need to do anything. YouTube ReVanced APK I am going to provide you is already patched. Which means that All Ads are blocked by default. you don’t need to do any additional settings. Just download and install it and you get the ad-free experience right out of the box.


If you want to block/ hide all type of ads on YouTube by default, then ignore the following step. For most users, you don’t need to change anything. All ads are hidden by default. So it’s better to not change anything.

1.2 Manually Select Which Ads to Show

As mentioned above, all ads are already hidden in the YouTube ReVanced app. However, you can manually select which ads to show and which ads to hide. Here are different ad types you can manually disable according to your needs.

Tap on the profile icon on top right corner > Settings > ReVanced Settings> Ads

Manually Select Which Ads to Show

  • Hide banner to view products
  • Hide buttoned ad
  • Hide general ads
  • Hide merchandise banners
  • Hide paid content
  • Hide self sponsored cards
  • Hide video ads
  • Hide web search results
  • Hide YouTube Premium ads

2. Background Playback

We all have been there, right? You are listening to your favorite song on YouTube, one of your friend sends you a meme, you open it and music stops playing. Whenever it happens, its quite frustrating.

YouTube has turned off the background play by default. It basically means that you can’t continue playing your video/audio outside of YouTube. You should stay inside the app as long as you want to continue playing the video/audio.

So what could be the solution to it? Well, after a lot of trial and error, I could manage to enable background playback for YouTube ReVanced.

So one may ask how to enable it?

2.1 How to Enable Background Playback On YouTube ReVanced?

Background Playback Enabled by Default

Just like the most features of YouTube ReVanced, you don’t need to enable Background Playback. YouTube ReVanced APK is pre-patched so Background Playback is always on by default.

2.2 How to Disable Background Playback On YouTube ReVanced?

If for some reason, if you don’t want to have Background Playback enabled outside the app, you can choose to disable this option in the settings.

To disable Background Playback, tap on the profile icon on top right corner > Settings > Background & Downloads > Playback. Simply select off.

How to Disable Background Playback On YouTube ReVanced

2.3 How to Enable Background Playback When using Headphones or External Speakers?

To enable background playback while using Headphones or external speakers, go to the settings again shown in previous step.

Tap on the profile icon on top right corner > Settings > Background & Downloads > Playback > select Headphones or external speakers.

Enable Background Playback When using Headphones or External Speakers

Enabling this option will enable background playback only when you are connected to headphones/earphones or external bluetooth speakers. This makes sure that you can continue listening to your favourite songs/videos while doing some other task on your phone.

3. SponsorBlock

SponsorBlock Showcase

The other day I was watching a YouTube video on how world war 2 was started. The video drew my attention—It had lots of interesting facts and things I didn’t know about WWII. Everything was on the right track, until all of a sudden, the narrator started to talk about a VPN service out of nowhere. A VPN service advertisement in the word war video? Pretty strange right? I didn’t skip it thinking it will soon be over.

However to my surprise, the video didn’t stop there. The narrator started to mention all the features of it one by one ending the sponsored part with a coupon code. It took him a good 1 minute to talk about the video sponsor. It was again really a frustrating experience.

So I asked myself, What if I could jump to the main part of the video quickly skipping the unwanted sponsored part? However there was no such solution until I discovered about SponsorBlock.

3.1 What is SponsorBlock?

SponsorBlock is the unique and smart way to skip the sponsored part in the YouTube video. It is developed by Ajay (Kudos to you, buddy). It is an open source browser extension and open API. Using it will save you a lot of time and you can jump to the main part quickly without manually skipping the unwanted part.

3.2 How Does SponsorBlock Work?

How Does SponsorBlock Work

SponsorBlock is a tool created to skip the sponsored part in YouTube video. This tool depends on the users to know which parts to skip in the video. Here’s how it works.

Whenever a sponsored part comes up in a video, user submit it as a sponsored part using browser extension. It then remembers the timestamps of the sponsored content and automatically skips it for other users as well. Pretty neat, right? Not to mention it saves

Wait, there’s even more things you can do with SponsorBlock. Along with skipping the sponsored content, you can now mark and skip a part of the YouTube video as following.


Right now, SponsorBlock got an amazing community of 13,033,165 users who’ve come together to share 14,502,306 skip segments. Can you believe these skips have actually added up to saving a grand total of 1518 years and 218.33 days of people’s lives? 😄 If you’re curious, feel free to take a look at the leaderboard!

3.3 How to Enable SponsorBlock?

You don’t need to manually enable it. SponsorBlock is already activated and working on YouTube ReVanced out of the box.

You can change the SponsorBlock settings according to your need. To access SponsorBlock settings, Open YouTube ReVanced, tap on the profile icon on top right corner> Settings > SponsorBlock. Here you can choose verity of different settings according to your needs.

Here are different parts you can skip using SponsorBlock

Skip Different Parts of Videos Using Sponsorblock

  • Skip Sponsored Content
  • Unpaid/Self Promotion
  • Exclusive Access
  • Interaction Reminder (Subscribe Request)
  • Highlight (Video starts at xx:xx time)
  • Intermission
  • Intro Animation
  • Endcards/Credits
  • Preview/Recap
  • Filler Tangent/Jokes
  • Music : Non-Music Section

For each segment, you get following options.

Choose Action for Each Segment

  • Skip automatically
  • Skip automatically once
  • Show a skip button
  • Show in seek bar
  • Disable
  • Set color for the segment

Here are more settings for SponsorBlock. You can explore and play around these features in the YouTube ReVanced app.

More SponsorBlock Settings

  • Enable Sponsorblock
  • Show voting button
  • Use compact skip button
  • Automatically hide skip button
  • Show a toast (message) when skipping automatically
  • Show video length without segments
  • Show toast if API is not available
  • Enable skip count tracking
  • Minimum segment duration
  • Your private user ID
  • Change API URL
  • Import/Export Settings

3.4 How to Submit Skip Segments in SponsorBlock?

When the sponsored part is skipped automatically for you, it has been marked as sponsor by someone who has watched the video before you. You can also help other people skip content by marking a part of video as sponsored. Let’s see how you can just do that below?

  • Step 1 – Enable Show create new segment button toggle first in SponsorBlock setting.
  • Step 2 – Upon enabling the option, read the guidelines prompted to you. You will get idea how to use this feature.
  • Step 3 – Now go watch any YouTube video. You can see SponsorBlock icon at the top of video player.
  • Step 4 – To simply mark a part of the video as sponsored, tap on SponsorBlock icon.
  • Step 4 – SponsorBlock menu will show up on player. First pause the video. Now bring the seek bar to the point of the video where you have to mark the start of the segment.
  • Then tap on the icon (Dot inside the Circle), It will ask you do you want to mark this time as the start or end of the segment. Tap on start.
  • After that bring the seek bar to where you want to end the segment. Now tap on the icon (Dot inside the Circle) again and tap End. You can also use the forward and backward button to adjust the exact time frame of the segment. By default, it is 150 milliseconds.
  • Once the start and end duration of segment has marked. Simply tap on upload segment icon. It will ask, Are the times correct? and if it is ready to submit? Simply tap OK and the segment will be submitted.

Congratulations, you have just helped someone save time by submitting the new segment. Now whenever someone, watches the same video, SponsorBlock will automatically skip that part for them.

4. Picture-in-Picture Mode

Picture-in-Picture Mode Showcase

Picture-in-Picture is another great feature of YouTube ReVanced. It lets you watch videos in a small window at the bottom corner of your screen while using other apps.

Picture-in-Picture mode is not a new addition. It’s been present on the Official YouTube for many years. Though you have to be a YouTube Premium member to purchase the subscription. However, you can access this feature for Free using YouTube ReVanced.

By default, in YouTube ReVanced, if you press the home or recent button on phone the video will play in small window also known as picture-in-picture mode. It lets you watch YouTube video while you are using other apps, i.e multitasking.

4.1 How to Disable Picture-in-Picture Mode

If you don’t want picture-in-picture mode, you can disable it in settings and just listen to the audio.

How to Disable Picture-in-Picture Mode

To disable picture-in-picture mode, tap on the profile icon on top right corner > Settings > General > Disable Toggle for Picture-in-Picture Mode.

5. Return YouTube Dislike

Return YouTube Dislike Showcase

YouTube removed the YouTube Dislike counts for public in November 2021. Which means that users can not see the amount of dislike a particular video has as prior to the new update. While the dislike count was removed for public, creators can still see how many dislikes their individual video has in YouTube Studio.

This new change was very controversial and a lot of influencers expressed their opinion about it. Most of the opinions were against the removal of dislike button. According to them, hiding a dislike count while keeping the like count active, video looses its transparency and authenticity.

So after the update, how can one still see the number of dislikes on a video? Is there any way to still know how many dislikes particular video has on YouTube. Sure! You guessed it right. There is a way!

5.1 How Does YouTube Dislike Work?

Return YouTube Dislike is a browser extension and an API that lets you see Dislikes on a video. So how does it actually work even after YouTube has official announced to hide it?

RYD (Return YouTube Dislike) tool collects the ID of the video you’re watching and gets data like dislikes, views, and likes using our system. Then, it shows the dislike count and ratio on the page. When you like or dislike a video, that information is saved in the database to accurately keep track of dislikes.

5.2 How to Return YouTube Dislike Button?

Just like most features, YouTube ReVanced already comes with Dislike button count enabled. You don’t need to do any additional settings.

5.3 Return YouTube Dislike Settings

There are some more settings related to Dislike count button such as enabling Dislikes on Shorts, show Dislikes as percentage, etc.

Return YouTube Dislike Settings

6. Download Videos in 4K

YouTube has started offering download function since many years. But there’s a catch to it. You can’t download videos more than 360p which is a big disappointment. On the other hand, if you have a Premium version you can download the video in 720p (HD), 1080p (Full HD). But what about those who are not on premium plan but want to download the videos in high quality?

There was another underlying problem and that is the Vanilla YouTube app downloads all video inside the app only.

This essentially means that, you will have to open the YouTube app to watch the videos you have downloaded. Apart from that, you also can’t share the videos you have downloaded with your friends or family.

I kept looking for the fix this issue and surprisingly I found the solution too.

6.1 How to Download YouTube Videos for Free?

There are 2 ways to download videos. The one is to simply download the video inside the YouTube app. However, as mentioned above, you can only download videos upto 360p which looks very blurry and is not preferable for many.

Then how to download YouTube Videos in highest settings like 4K?

To download YouTube videos in highest settings possible for free, you will have to download NewPipe. NewPipe is nothing but an app that lets you download YouTube videos in 4K & 60 FPS. You know what the best part is, NewPipe is integrated already with the YouTube ReVanced.

Step 1 – The first thing you need is to install the NewPipe APK on your phone. Click on the button below to download NewPipe APK. After downloading NewPipe, simply install it.

Install NewPipe APK

Then to configure YouTube ReVanced to download videos using NewPipe, do the following.

Step 2 – Tap on the profile icon on top right corner > Settings > ReVanced Settings > Interaction > External Download Settings > Enable External Download Button. Enabling this option will show download button in the video player.

NewPipe APK has been set as default downloader by default. Confirm if the downloader package name is org.schabi.newpipe. If not, please copy the package name and paste it in that box.

Enable External Download Button and Configure NewPipe

Step 3 – Now when you play a video, you just need to click on the download button that appears on video player. A NewPipe window will appear, tap on download.

Tap Download Button

Step 4 – Select the desired quality before downloading the video.

Select Video Quality Before Downloading

Once the video is downloaded, it will appear in the NewPipe Download Section. It will also be accessible from device’s local storage. NewPipe will ask you where to download the videos while giving storage permission.

Check Your Downloaded Videos


To download high-quality videos to the local storage using NewPipe for free, you need to tap on download button that appears on the video player. This is different than the download button that appears on official YouTube where like, dislike buttons are placed.

7. Swipe Controls

Swipe control is another great feature included in the YouTube ReVanced. This feature enables you to swipe up/down to adjust the volume and the brightness of the video, pretty cool, right?

7.1 How to Enable Swipe Controls in YouTube ReVanced?

Swipe control is already enabled. However, if for some reasons if you can’t use it, then you might need to turn it on.

To enable Swipe controls, Open YouTube ReVanced > Settings > ReVanced Settings > Interaction > Swipe controls > Enable both Brightness and Volume gesture.

Swipe Controls in YouTube ReVanced

To control brightness of the video, simply swipe your finger up or down on the left area of the screen.

To control volume of the video, swipe finger up or down on the right area of the screen.

The swipe control feature only works when you are watching YouTube videos in fullscreen/ landscape mode.

Here are other swipe control settings you can explore.

Other Swipe Control Settings

8. Set Default Video Quality

Are you frustrated with YouTube’s default video quality settings? If you ask me the same question, then the answer is yes. Let me explain. First, there is so many option when setting the desired video quality on official YouTube. There are 4 options given by YouTube just to change the quality of the video which is a big confusion in itself.

  • Auto – which plays the video keeping your current network strength. It also accounts for the type of device you are using and display size.
  • Higher Picture Quality – This sets your video quality to 720p or higher if it’s available and consumes more data.
  • Data Saver – It generally shows you videos in 360p or even less in 240p in some cases.
  • Advanced – This options lets you choose the video quality manually by choosing different resolutions such as 144p, 240p, 360p, 480, 720p, 1080p (HD), 1440p (2K), 2160p (4K) and upto 4320p which is 8K if the video is available in that resolution.

On top of that, YouTube doesn’t remember the video quality you have set and instead plays video in random quality, sometimes high sometimes very low.

8.1 How to Set Fixed Resolution/ Quality for YouTube Videos

As discussed above, YouTube doesn’t remember the video quality. It changes the video quality randomly which many people don’t like including myself. To fix this issue and set a fixed quality for YouTube video, I have included a patch in YouTube ReVanced.

To set fixed video quality, Open YouTube ReVanced > Settings > ReVanced Settings > Video > Default video quality on mobile network and Wi-Fi network.

Set Fixed Resolution_ Quality for YouTube Videos

Set Default video quality on mobile network and Wi-Fi network.

Set Quality for Mobile & Wi-Fi Network

9. Hide YouTube Shorts Section

Ever wanted to watch something informative on YouTube or want to see how rockets fly? But got distracted due to the shorts? If you think are you are alone in this, then you might be wrong. We all have been there. Since the short videos are introduced to the platform, it has slowly started to hamper our attention span.

With the abundant supplies of video short-form videos, our brain seeks pleasure from the instant gratification provided by the short form content. On the other hand, brain starts to refuse to take information which is lengthy and takes time to consume. The short the video is, the more easily your brain gets addicted to it. It’s not great if you want to focus on something for long hours like studies, doing your work, meditation, exercise and other activities that demand patience.

So if if we could remove the shorts entirely from YouTube? For those of you who want to stay away from YouTube Shorts, then I have got a solution for you.

YouTube ReVanced can help you hide entire shorts section from YouTube? Let’s see how to remove/hide Shorts from YouTube?

9.1 How to Hide/ Remove Shorts from YouTube

To hide short components from the YouTube, go to YouTube ReVanced app, Open Settings > ReVanced Settings > Layout. Scroll to the bottom of the screen. Tap on the second last option called Shorts components.

If you toggle on Hide Shorts on feed option. All shorts will be disabled/ hidden in your YouTube app.

Hide Shorts on Feed or Homepage

You can choose to hide various components in the short video on the same page.

Hide Various Shorts Components

  • Hide Shorts in feed
  • Hide join button
  • Hide subscribe button
  • Hide thanks button
  • Hide comments button
  • Hide remix button
  • Hide share button
  • Hide info panel
  • Hide channel bar
  • Hide sound button
  • Hide navigation bar

Also don’t forget to enable ‘Disable shorts player at app startup‘ in the previous (layout) page). Enabling this option will stop playing shorts whenever you open the YouTube ReVanced app.

10. Copy video URL with timestamps

As the name suggests this simple lets you copy the video URL with timestamps. Copying the video URL with timestamps is easy on the PC. You right click on the video player, and click Copy video URL at current time option. However, there is no such option available in the official YouTube app. Don’t worry, I have got your back. I have added a patch to YouTube ReVanced App that lets you copy the video URL at current time. Let’s see how to use it below.

10.1 How to Easily Copy YouTube Video URL with Timestamps on Mobile?

To copy YouTube video URL with timestamps, you should have YouTube ReVanced installed on your device. Without YT ReVanced app, you can’t copy video URLs with current time.

First of you need to enable the option in the ReVanced settings. Open Settings > ReVanced Settings > Interaction > Copy Video URL Settings > Enable Show copy timestamp URL button option.

Enable Copy YouTube Video URL with Timestamps

Enabling this option lets you copy the video URL with current time right in the video player.

On the same page, you can also enable show copy video URL button. This button lets you copy the video URL instantly directly from video players. It saves you from effort of clicking on share button then selecting copy URL option.

10.2 How to Copy YouTube Video URL Manually on Mobile?

If you don’t want to use this feature, you can still send YouTube video with timestamp. But it will require you to add the timestamp manually. Here’s how to do it.

First, copy the video URL using share button. It will look like this without any timestamps.

Now say that you have to share this video from 2 minutes onwards. What you will do is, add ?t=120. (Put the current duration in seconds)

The video URL should look like this after adding timestamp manually.

The highlighted part (?t=120 ) will tell YouTube player to start the video from 2 minutes onwards.

11. How to Hide Various Elements in YouTube

In YouTube Revanced, you have freedom to simply remove certain elements from the app if you don’t use them. The official app has lots of things included because it has to cater to a large audience, however, with YouTube ReVanced, you can hide/disable almost any part of the YouTube app.

The sections below will discuss how to hide different elements in YouTube ReVanced app. All the settings mentioned below come under the following setting.

Open Settings > ReVanced Settings > Layout

11.1 How to Hide Comments in YouTube ReVanced

Open Settings > ReVanced Settings > Layout > Comments.

Here you can Hide comments section and Hide preview comment.

How to Hide Comments in YouTube ReVanced

11.2 How to Hide Navigation Buttons in YouTube App

Apart from all the other options that you can hide, you can now also choose what buttons to hide in navigation bar of the app.

Settings > ReVanced Settings > Layout > Scroll down at bottom > Navigation buttons.

How to Hide Navigation Buttons in YT ReVanced

You can hide following buttons in the settings.

  • Hide home button
  • Hide Shorts button
  • Hide subscriptions button
  • Hide create button
  • Switch create with notifications button

On the same page, You can also Switch create button with the notifications button. This way you can easily access the YouTube notifications.

11.3 How to Hide or Customize Seekbar in YouTube ReVanced?

If you ever wanted to hide the seekbar in YouTube, you can now easily do that. I have also added an option to set custom seekbar color.

To hide or customize the seekbar color, go to Settings > ReVanced Settings > Layout > Scroll down at bottom > Seekbar Settings. Then Enable Hide seekbar in video player option. You can also hide seekbar in video thumbnail by toggling on Hide seekbar in video thumbnails option.

How to Hide or Customize Seekbar in YouTube ReVanced

Toogle on Enable custom seekbar color option if you want to change the seekbar color. Then tap on Custom seekbar color option and write the color code. You can get the hex color code of your choice by visiting Hex color code generator website.

11.4 How to Hide Various Elements in YouTube App

As mentioned above, YouTube ReVanced gives you options to hide several things across the apps. You can find the list of all the things you can hide below. All those things that can be disabled or hidden can be found in the following settings page inside the YouTube ReVanced app.

Settings > ReVanced Settings > Layout

Swipe left on the gallery to see all screenshots.

The list is very big. You can tap/ click on the dropdown list below to see all the things you can hide.

  • Disable auto captions
  • Disable shorts player at app startup
  • Enable tablet mini player
  • Enable wide search bar
  • Wide action buttons
  • Hide album cards
  • Hide audio track button
  • Hide autoplay button
  • Hide background overlay in player
  • Hide breaking news
  • Hide captions button
  • Hide cast button
  • Hide channel bar
  • Hide channel guidelines
  • Hide channel member shelf
  • Hide chapters in video description
  • Hide community guidelines
  • Hide community posts
  • Hide compact banners
  • Hide creator watermark on videos
  • Hide crowdfunding box
  • Hide email in account switcher
  • Hide emergency boxes
  • Hide end screen cards
  • Hide feed surveys
  • Hide filter bar
  • Hide floating microphone button
  • Hide fullscreen panels
  • Hide gray separator
  • Hide image shelf in search results
  • Hide info cards
  • Hide info panels
  • Hide latest posts
  • Hide load more button
  • Hide medical panels
  • Hide mix playlists
  • Hide movies section
  • Hide player popup panels
  • Hide previous & next video buttons
  • Hide quick actions in fullscreen
  • Hide related videos in quick actions
  • Hide subscribers community guidelines
  • Hide the expandable chip under video
  • Hide video timestamp
  • Hide VR setting

12. Premium Heading

Generally, Premium heading appears when you purchase the premium subscription from YouTube. However, you can get Premium heading for you as well. And the best part is, again you don’t have to pay for anything. You can flex in front of your friends letting them know that you are YouTube Premium subscription.


YouTube Premium heading is enabled on by default. No need to enable any extra options.

13. Hide Get Premium Message on YouTube

Are you frustrated by YouTube telling you to buy the premium subscription? If yes, then you can use this option to remove all the premium advertisements YouTube sends everyone from time to time.


YouTube Premium Advertisements are already hidden by default when you install YouTube ReVanced app.

However, you can still check if it’s enabled or not here and enable it if it’s disabled.

Tap on the profile icon on top right corner > Settings > ReVanced Settings > Ads > Scroll down to bottom and enable ‘Hide YouTube Premium Advertisements

14. Theme – Choose Light or Dark Theme

YouTube ReVanced offers both the theme options that are present in the official YouTube. You can either choose Light or Dark mode. It comes to down to your personal preference. For me, it’s always going to be dark mode. In fact, I have enabled dark mode as default for my mobile OS as well. Another fact- I love dark mode so much that, I have also enabled dark mode for the WordPress where I am currently writing this post.

14.1 How to Change Theme in YouTube ReVanced?

To change theme of the YouTube, go to Sett

To change theme of the YouTube, go to Settings > General > Appearance > Select any option you like.

How to Change Theme in YouTube ReVanced

There are 3 options to choose from.

  • Use device theme
  • Light theme
  • Dark theme

If you select, Use device theme option, it detects the current theme your device has and changes the theme accordingly. Other 2 options are self explanatory.

Some people use the default light mode, some love the dark and it’s your choice to select either of them. However, one thing to keep in mind is that, Dark mode actually has a couple of advantages over the light theme.

First of all, Dark mode reduces battery consumption as pixels on majority part of the screen don’t need to be lit up thus — saving the battery. Apart from that, it also helps to reduce strain on your eyes by reducing the contrast between the screen and the environment.

Other benefits include reduced glare and reflections which also leads to the improvement in attention. Using dark mode also helps to reduce blue light exposure which can in turn help you sleep comfortably at night. Our most time of the day (at least mine) is spent in front of the screens, so it’s no brainer to use dark mode. And I strongly recommend that you use it too.

15. No Root Required


You don’t need to root your Android device to be able to use YT Revacned. YouTube ReVanced works perfectly fine without root access. Just install the app and have fun. However, if you have a root device, it will still run fine.

There was a time when Android rooting was a thing. Rooting your phone enables you to do some extra tweaks to your Android device which is otherwise not possible to achieve in stock mode.

For example, rooting allows you next level customization on your phone. You can install custom ROMs, and additional mods to completely change the look of your android device. Other benefits include optimized battery performance and full (Titanium) backups of your device. With the Titanic backup, you can backup your entire Android OS data, it even backs up the position of the apps. Rooting also gives you better control over ad blocking by providing system level ad-blocking.

There are some downsides to rooting as well. First of all, rooting voids your device warranty which is a big factor if you want to get claim warranty from the manufacture. Rooting also makes your phone vulnerable against the malicious apps. In some cases, if you don’t follow the rooting procedure right, there is also a chance that you could brick your device. At last, rooting your device will disable OTA updates which are essential for your smartphone. The OTA updates include, Android security patch acts as a shield against threats, malwares and spywares.

Best part is you don’t to take all of these risks to be able to use YouTube ReVanced App.

For an average user, the disadvantages of rooting Android phone outweigh the advantages. So I highly recommend you to not root your device. Coming back to the topic, as mentioned above, you don’t need to root your Android device to use YouTube ReVanced APK. Simply, install it and have fun. The app is made to run on maximum number of Android devices without root access.

16. Video & Playback Related Settings

16.1 Default Playback Speed

With YouTube ReVanced, you can set custom playback speed for all videos. By default, there is no option in the official YouTube app to set a custom default speed for all videos. You have to change the speed manually for each video every time. However, if you wish to keep a fixed playback speed for all the videos, it is not possible with regular YouTube.

Is there Any Way to Set a Default Playback Speed for All YouTube Videos?

Yes. I have implemented a feature that remembers the speed you set for one video and plays all other videos afterwards in the same speed.

16.2 How to Set Default Playback Speed for YouTube Videos?

To set default playback speed for YouTube videos, simply go to > Settings > ReVanced Settings > Video > tap on Default Playback Speed.

How to Set Default Playback Speed for YouTube Videos

Choose any speed you like from 0.25x to 5.0x playback speed.

16.3 Remember Video Playback Speed

Additionally, if you change the video playback speed of one video, the same playback speed will be applied to other videos as well. The default playback speed will take effect when you close the app and open again. The default playback speed on YouTube as well as YT ReVanced APK is 1x.

16.4 How to Set Custom Playback Speed for YouTube Videos?

Apart from setting the Default Playback Speed, there is another great thing you can do and that is add or change the available playback speeds.

This feature has been added for those who love to listen to the music at a slower or at a faster pace. It is also helpful for the people who love to watch a 10-minute long video in just 3 minutes.

With YT ReVanced, you can now add Custom Playback Speed of your choice. To do this, again go to the Settings > ReVanced Settings > Video > tap on Custom Playback Speed.

There are 15 Custom Playback Speeds available to choose from. You can change each of them to a custom speed of your choice. Sounds cool, right?

Here are all the Custom Playback Speeds available in YouTube ReVanced.

How to Set Custom Playback Speed

  • 0.25
  • 0.5
  • 0.75
  • 0.9
  • 0.95
  • 1.0
  • 1.1
  • 1.25
  • 1.5
  • 1.75
  • 2.0
  • 3.0
  • 4.0
  • 5.0

17. Enable HDR Auto Brightness


If your phone is not HDR supported, you won’t be able to watch HDR (High Dynamic Range) videos. So you can either keep this option enabled or just disable it.

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. If your mobile device supports HDR, you can enable this option under the Settings > ReVanced Settings > Video > toggle on Enable Auto HDR Brightness option.

How to Enable HDR Brightness

HDR displays a better picture quality by surpassing the default video standards. It shows more darker and brighter color compared to the non-HDR videos and also shows more shades of grey color. This gives you the viewing experience as the quality of the video also depends on how good the lighting is across the scene.

Also keep in mind that, only those videos which are captured using the HDR enabled devices/ cameras and rendered in HDR quality are available to watch on YouTube. You can check if the video is available in HDR while watching. If it is available and if your device screen capable of producing HDR enabled content, you are in for the treat. Otherwise just leave this option as it is.

18. Other YouTube Revanced Features

Disable Zoom Haptics

By default, there is haptic (vibration) wheen we zoom in the YouTube video. If you wish to disable it, you can do it under the Settings > ReVanced Settings > Misc > toggle on Disable Zoom Haptics option.

How to Disable Zoom Haptics

Once enabled the Disable Zoom Haptics, There will be no more little vibration while zooming in and out the YouTube video.

Auto Repeat

Auto Repeat is another extra cherry on the top feature for those who want watch a video on repeat. By default, YouTube official app lets you keep the AutoPlay or turn it off. If you keep the Auto play on, the next video in the list will be started playing after the current one is finished. If you disable the Auto play, the video simply stops the playing.

So what’s different with this new feature called Auto Repeat? Well, if you enable Auto Repeat, it will replay a video you are watching and start it over again.

Note that the same thing can be achieved with the loop video option located at the top right corner every time you play a video. But, you need to manually enable it for every video.

But with the Auto Repeat enabled, every video you play will replay again as soon as the video ends. This requires no action from you.

There are certain cases where Auto Repeat feature could be useful. However, normal users can skip this one. If you want to replay a video, you can do the same thing using the Loop video option that appears at the top right corner of the screen. This allows you to loop a particular video instead of Autoplaying all the videos with the Auto Repeat feature.

If you want to use this feature, go to the Settings > ReVanced Settings > Misc > toggle on Enable Auto-Repeat option.

How to Enable Auto Repeat on All Videos

Import/ Export Settings

It would be frustrating to set up all the settings again from the scratch if you re install the app or clear its data. That’s why I have included an Import/ Export setting that allows you to take backup of your current YouTube ReVanced and import it whenever you are setting the app from the start. It’s a great feature for those who regularly try different versions of YouTube ReVanced.

How to take Backup / Export Your YouTube ReVanced Settings?

If you want to take backup or export your current YouTube ReVanced settings, follow the steps below.

First of all go to Settings > ReVanced Settings > Misc > Import / Export.

How to take Backup or Export YouTube ReVanced Settings

A small window will appear. Here just tap on copy and it will copy the text from that box.

Now simply paste the copied settings data somewhere safe. You can use the same settings text to import / restore your settings when you clean install YouTube ReVanced.

How to Restore / Import your YouTube ReVanced Settings?

If you have saved the settings text previously, then you can simply restore or import your settings. To do this, once again head over to the Settings > ReVanced Settings > Misc > Import / Export. In the box, paste your text and tap on Import.

How to Restore or Import YouTube ReVanced Settings

That’s pretty much it, guys. I hope I have covered a lot of useful features which will come handy to you. Now let’s move onto the next section.

If you click on any YouTube video link from browsers, or Social media apps or messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram, by default links will open in official YouTube app.

To make sure links are opened in the YouTube ReVanced, you will need to following things.

1. Uninstall or disable the official YouTube app.
2. If you don’t want to uninstall or disable the official YouTube app, open your Phone’s Settings app and go to App manager. Look for the official YouTube Music app, and tap on Set as default/ Open by default > Open supported links and turn it Off.

Once the Open supported links option is turned off for official YouTube app, we will now enable the same option for the YouTube Music ReVanced now.

Once again go to your App manager and look for the YouTube ReVanced app, tap on Set as default/ Open by default > Open supported links and turn it On.

Now go back to the previous page again. Tap Supported web addresses > Turn all On.


Frequently Asked Questions! Without the addition of FAQs, this article might just feel a tad incomplete. So there they are.

Let’s not forget to sprinkle in some FAQs; they’re the key to wrapping up this article perfectly.

If you are thinking of using YouTube ReVanced APK, you might also have some questions about it. Don’t worry, it won’t take too long. I will try to cover as many FAQ’s I receive all the time from actual users. This way, nothing’s left behind and you can proceed to use this app without any hesitation. So let’s get started.

YouTube ReVanced works as an addon patch on top of the official YouTube app. It works separately with the help of addon patch. Also YouTube ReVanced is in no way connected to the YouTube Vanced. They both are separate apps. ReVanced doesn’t modify or temper the official YouTube so it’s completely safe and legal to use.

ReVanced lets you access premium features of YouTube such as Ad-blocking, Background playback, Sponsorblock, Picture-in-picture mode etc. So it’s an ideal choice for anyone who wants to have a clean clutter free user experience.

YouTube ReVanced works as an addon patch on top of the official YouTube app. It works separately with the help of addon patch. Also YouTube ReVanced is in no way connected to the YouTube Vanced. They both are separate apps.

Yes, off course! YouTube ReVanced is created because some people can’t afford to buy a premium membership. Instead, they can download this app and use the premium features like ad-free user interface, background play etc. In fact, YouTube ReVanced has more features than the official YouTube. YT ReVanced was, is and will always be FREE for everyone. There is no doubt about it, whatsoever.

You can download YouTube ReVanced by clicking the download button above. Keep in mind that, YouTube ReVanced won’t work unless you install ReVanced MicroG. Both YouTube ReVanced & ReVanced MicroG are available available above. Click to download the latest versions of them. Go to the YouTube ReVanced Download Section.

YouTube ReVanced is not available on Google Play Store. It is because of privacy and legal issues. However, you can download clean APK files of YT ReVanced and MicroG from our website. Click here to jump to the download section.

You can download the clean YouTube ReVanced APK file which is already patched. Apart from that you also need ReVanced MicroG to get all the account-related features. Download links for both YT ReVanced and MicroG are provided above. Click on the button to download them. Please don’t download YouTube ReVanced from other websites. The app provided by other sites, may contain viruses, spyware and malware. Make sure you download the APK files from our website only which is the official source for YouTube ReVanced.

Yes there is a dedicated guide that walks you through step-by-step instructions to download and set up YouTube ReVanced on your Android. Jump to the YouTube ReVanced Installation Guide.

Definitely. YouTube ReVanced doesn’t possess any threat to your mobile device or to your personal information. It works similar to the YouTube app except you get advanced features like ad blocking, background play, etc for free. There are no file changes are made to the official YouTube app. It will remain intact. But make sure to download the APK files from this website only.

Yes, it is legal to use ReVanced APK. There is no malpractice or illegal action involved while making of this app. As long as you download the app from the official sources, you will be fine.

Yes, you can! YouTube ReVanced is a patch and it is not a modified version of YouTube. So there is no need to have a rooted device to use YouTube ReVanced. It runs on both rooted as well as non-rooted devices. There are no restrictions, just a clean, ad-free YouTube experience.

Not really. They both are different apps. YouTube Premium is a subscription offered by Google that lets you watch videos ad-free and enable background playback. YouTube ReVanced is a patch that is installed on YouTube. The only difference is that ReVanced offers you all the features of YouTube Premium for free. If we look at the features, ReVanced offers more features that lets you tweak different settings and offers flexibilty to customize the app according to your needs. So YouTube ReVanced is superior than YouTube Premium.

No, YouTube ReVanced doesn’t require you to update the app frequently. It’s a one-time setup mostly. However, in some cases, you might want to update the app. In that case, we will update the YouTube ReVanced and offer you the latest version if we notice any issues with the current YouTube ReVanced build.

Currently, YouTube ReVanced is not equipped with auto update feature, so you will have to download new version from our official YouTube ReVanced website. Don’t use YouTube ReVanced Manager provided by other websites, they are fake and may contain malware and spyware.

Yes. Visit this page here to download YouTube ReVanced Music. Plug, play and have fun!

We have listed and explained all the YouTube ReVanced features in our article. Click here to jump to the YouTube ReVanced features list.

If you want me to add more features to YouTube ReVanced, You can contact me using the contact us page. I will definitely try to include as many useful features I can to the app. So sit back, relax and have fun!

ReVanced MicroG is an app that lets you sign in to your Google account on YouTube ReVanced. So it’s a must use feature. Without MicroG, you won’t be able to access account specific features. You won’t be able to like or comment on video. You also can’t access your search and watch history, channels you have subscribed to and other account specific features. So it becomes essential to install ReVanced MicroG to be able to properly use YouTube ReVanced.

To be honest, I am unaware of the YouTube Vanced state. Though I heard that it still works but it has playback issues and some ads still show up on the app. For better experience, I always recommend using YouTube ReVanced which is a completely different app from the ground up and has so many cool features I bet you love.

No. In now way, Vanced is affiliated with YT ReVanced. There is no connection between these two apps.

No there will be no NFTs or things like that. I intend to give people a clean, clutter-free YouTube experience.

Yes, there are more apps where ReVanced is supported. We will soon add those apps on this site or create a dedicated website for those apps as well. We are currently thinking of creating Reddit ReVanced. We will keep you updated.

Of course! I will help you fix the issue. But before you ask for the help, do me a favour. Go to the Troubleshooting page and see if the problem you are facing has solution listed there already? If yes, great thing. If not, shoot me a message using the contact form. I will be in touch soon!


Can’t install YouTube ReVanced? Videos stop playing suddenly? Or unable to use the app due to some unknow reasons? If you face any issues with YouTube ReVanced, Checkout the Troublehooting guide. It contains solutions to all known problems related to YouTube ReVanced, YouTube ReVanced Extended and ReVanced Music [Extended].

If the issue still persists, you can contact me using this page.


So that is pretty much it. I have covered everything that one should ever need to know about YouTube ReVanced. Everything is explained comprehensively from different features ReVanced has and how to use them with images wherever needed.

I hope this article has helped you know every bit of YouTube ReVanced. I think there isn’t anything left behind. If there are more featured added, I will try to update this post in future.

What features of ReVanced sound exciting to you? Apart from Ad-blocker, my personal favourite is SponsorBlock. It saves time and jumps straight to the topic. Great for distraction-less watching experience.

If you like what we are doing, and want your friends to shift to YT ReVaned APK, you can spread the word. Share this article with as many friends and family members possible. Thank you and have a great day.