About Me

Hello, I am Ray, the developer of the Official YouTube ReVanced app for Android.
I have created MyYouTubeReVanced.com for sharing this app with anyone who loves to binge-watch YouTube.

Do you want to watch YouTube videos Ad-free? Do you want to skip the sponsor part in YouTube Videos and jump to the main content quickly? Ever wanted to listen to a favorite song of yours while chatting with your BAE? If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place.

YouTube ReVanced has advanced features like an Ad-free interface, Background play, and SponsorBlock. SponsorBlock lets you automatically skip the sponsored content on YouTube. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot to explore in the app.

MyYouTubeReVanced.com offers the official and the latest version of YouTube ReVanced directly from the developer itself. The YouTube ReVanced is 100% free and runs on almost all Android devices. If you want to enjoy the super features of YouTube ReVanced for free, then learn more about YouTube ReVanced by visiting the Homepage. I have also provided a one-click download link to the latest version of the YouTube ReVanced App on the homepage. Have fun!

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me. Have a nice day!